Passé composé – La Maison d’être

In French, the auxiliary verb is either avoir or être. The following is a list of verbs (and their derivatives) that require être:


  1. In addition to the above, all pronominal verbs use être as the auxiliary verb.
  2. For all verbs conjugated with être, the past participle has to agree with the subject in gender and number in all of the compound tenses.
  3. Verbs are conjugated with être because they are intransitive (have no direct object). However, six of these verbs can be used transitively (with a direct object), and when this happens, they need avoir as the auxiliary verb and have a slight change in meaning.

Être Verbs Used Transitively


Il est descendu. He went down(stairs).
Il a descendu l’escalier. He went down the stairs.
Il a descendu la valise. He took the suitcase down.


Il est monté. He went up(stairs).
Il a monté la côte. He went up the hill.
Il a monté les livres. He took the books up.


Je suis passé devant le parc. I went by the park.
J’ai passé la porte. I went through the door.
J’ai passé une heure ici. I spent an hour here.


Je suis rentré. I came home.
J’ai rentré les chaises. I brought the chairs inside.


Elle est retournée en France. She has returned to France.
Elle a retourné la lettre. She returned / sent back the letter.


Elle est sortie. She went out.
Elle a sorti la voiture. She took the car out.

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